2020 Survey

In keeping with our principle of anonymity NA does not keep records of who attends our meetings. Every few years we conduct a survey across England, Scotland and Wales, to try and get a better idea of the demographics of our meetings. Our last completed survey took place in 2020 and was based on 1416 respondents. 


In  March 2020 there were 1250 weekly meetings taking place throughout England, Scotland and Wales. After Covid, these were replaced with over 800 online weekly meetings. Based on the number of meetings,  the responses in the survey of meeting numbers and weekly attendance, we would estimate there are in excess of 7500 NA members leading drug free, productive and improved lives as a result of ongoing attendance at NA meetings.


Our 2020 Survey pamphlet containing all the responses can be viewed here,

Of the 1416 responses:

75.6% of respondents had been in active drug addiction for over 10 years before managing to stay clean through NA.

Of respondents with over a years continuous abstinence from drugs:

94% said the quality of their life had improved.

70% said their housing situation was better.

81% had improved  family relationships.

84% had better social connectedness.

64% of all respondents were employed, a further 9% were in education or retired, 22% were unemployed (inclusive of 13% because of sick or disability).

The respondents gender were 54.3% male, 42.2% female, 1.3% non binary.

​46% of those who responded said they had not relapsed on drugs since first coming to NA.

37.2% of respondents had between 1 and 10 years of total abstinence from all drugs, 19.8% had less than a year, 6.5% were still taking drugs and 35.4% had in excess of 10 years total abstinence.

​Of respondents who had a criminal conviction prior to attending NA (53.5%) over 88% stated they had no further convictions since attending NA meetings.

Full Data

A link to the complete dataset is avaliable here.